Next Generation of Unity

about and for the Unity movement

The Art of Asking March 24, 2011

Filed under: NGU — ngunity @ 2:18 pm
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The art of asking

In September I was on Rev. Jamie Sanders Unity Online Radio show, Spirituality Today. He asked me how to get young folks engaged in church, classes and the Unity movement. I said simply, “ask them.” We went on to talk about what a simple and obvious but overlooked method this is. It doesn’t say in the Bible stand on the stoop and someone will let you in, it says knock and the door will be answered.

People want to be wanted, they want to belong. So ask them. Personally invite the young adults and teens in your community to be a part of SEE classes, ask them what would be an alternative service that they could bring their friends to. Ask them if there is a way they would like to be involved in the community.

It’s so easy, yet so overlooked. The power of invitation is a thousand times more provocative than an announcement in the bulletin. And for the NGU readers of this blog, the asking goes both ways, if there is something you are interested in doing at your church, ask. If there is a class you would like offered, Ask.

We are all a part of this community and together we make it the best it can possibly be. How do we come together? We ask others to join us.

I’m asking you to join me in sharing Unity with the world.


PS, you can hear my whole interview with Jamie episode Sept 8, 2010 third section


2 Responses to “The Art of Asking”

  1. Zeb Walter Says:

    I absolutely agree. The 18-35 market is the market that churches have the hardest time attracting and we have to reach out to the “next” generation to keep our movement alive. Churches in general have lower numbers in attendance across the board as the importance of religion has been lessened by the collective society. We do a great job at building great young leaders, but then let them fall away after they graduate high-school. LET THEM KNOW THAT THEY ARE IMPORTANT and support them as they make their transition from childhood to adulthood.

  2. That was a great show… Powerful point and you were an awesome guest…. AND… wait for it…. wait for it…. That Jamie Sanders is awesome too huh? (wink)
    Love you Rachel

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