Next Generation of Unity

about and for the Unity movement

what ‘Has To’ Happen February 4, 2011

Filed under: NGU — ngunity @ 5:01 pm
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People ask me all the time what ‘has to’ happen in a group. Are there officers? Who should do what? I believe in a much more organic model of leadership. Assuming that a NGU group is going to be led and governed by the members of the group and that those member are busy people, I have a few tips and ideas.

Follow the interests of the group. If there is someone excited about community service, or creating lessons or social activities and the group wants to be a part of it, go for it. Every group is made of individuals and that means each group will have its own personality. Build on the strengths and the group has much better chance of success.

It’s lonely to lead alone. The responsibility to plan, schedule, and communicate everything for the group can be wearing for one person. If possible share responsibilities. Since everyone is busy if everyone helps out where they are willing/able then not only is there a greater sense of community ownership, leaders are less likely to get burnt out.

As for what ‘has to’ happen… my response is, for the most part whatever the group wants to have happen. There are two things I think are essential and someone needs to step up to do. Communicate with the NGU group and communicate with the church. While it is probably pretty obvious why these things are important, I’ll make a few points just in case.

Someone needs to be the person who has the master list to email/facebook/text the members and keep them updated about what’s going on and if there is a change in schedule. Someone needs to be the point person to communicate with the church to coordinate use of space, announcements and communicate with the spiritual leader or designee about how the group is doing. These can be the same person or a team, but they have to stay in contact with each other to ensure information is getting to the right people.

You can do it folks! It’s all about listening and working together. I believe in you.  Go and be fabulous!


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